Beyond Limits Akashic Adventure Program

Portal to Your Freedom and Wealth

Easy Prosperity by Soul Design


    • Breakthrough growth ceilings with ease
    • Speed up your personal growth and take big leaps
    • Uncover your most profitable path forward
    • Chart your easiest course in a chaotic and changing world
    • Peacefully navigate challenges and opportunities
    • Free yourself from toxic patterns and interferences and live your full potential
    • Enjoy effortless, limitless freedom and expansion for the rest of your life


Beyond Limits Akashic Aventure Program


We believe you deserve to have at your fingertips, the most powerful tool for growing your business, receiving wealth and crafting your life.

We believe you have a birthright to connect directly with your Soul and its power through the Akashic Records.

We believe that co-creating with the Akashic Records is the easy path to prosperity and to fulfilling all your desires.

And so the Beyond Limits Akashic Adventure Program was born just for you.

It’s a transformative, experiential live training designed to connect you directly with the power of your Soul through the Akashic Records in a supportive, caring, and inclusive environment.

You’ll be able to:

    • Quickly, smoothly and radically SHIFT your business and your life
    • Freely and INDEPENDENTLY navigate changing times and continuously self-evolve
    • Remove interferences as they arise and  CONFIDENTLY take inspired action
    • Receive ongoing guidance from your Akashic Record Keepers to be on your highest, most PROSPEROUS path
    • Express yourself freely, build a business and make the ALIGNED choices that are right for you

We believe that you have infinite possibilities and choices and that you deserve to express your full potential in your business and your life, simply and easily.

Beyond Limits Akashic Aventure Program

In 5 modules, you’ll tap into your own Akashic Records and the Records of your Business where you can receive direction and create your prosperous future…BEYOND LIMITS.

Awaken Your Highest Potential with Your Akashic Records

In this module, you’ll explore the unlimited power of the Akashic Records for achieving practical results. You’ll learn about what is possible through your Personal and your Business Akashic Records and you’ll develop questions to ask in your Records. Included: Light Leader Activation in the Akashic Records

Discover Your Perfect Entry Point Into Your Akashic Records

to You’ll play with 4 different ways to enter your Records. Then you’ll choose what works best for you and begin the practice of connecting with the Records for guidance. Included: Deep clearing to open your channels to receiving through the Akashic Records.

Unlock Easy Growth Through Your Business Akashic Records

This is a deep dive into your Business Akashic Records, what they are and how they are formed. You’ll access your own Business Records and evaluate your financial intention for your business.  Included: Creation of an energetic structure and support for your business in the Akashic Records

Manifest Your Desired Prosperous Future with the Akashic Records

Your Future is created in your Akashic Records. So, in this now moment, each of your current choices is being recorded and you are building the blueprint of your own future.  You’ll explore your great power to create your desired future.  Included: Prosperity Activation in the Akashic Records

Share Your Akashic Journey and Receive Compassionate Support

You’ll already have experience working in your Records and can share them as well as get your questions answered. Included: All modules include responsive transformative work, Akashic Record Healing and Activation, psychic readings and channeling as guided.

If you cannot attend the live session, you may email your questions at least 24 hours before this to

BONUS 1 Private Telegram Group

You’ll also connect with like-minded women, share experiences and receive support in a private Telegram group.

You’ll have access to this group during the program and for one week after.

BONUS 2 Ongoing Support

You’ll be able to join a monthly live zoom meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 11 am Pacific for additional support. You can register for the meeting. You will receive reminders via email.

If you cannot attend the live session, you may email your questions at least 24 hours before to

Serena Curran

Soul Liaison, Wealth Amplifier, Spiritual Business Mentor

Change-makers, Visionary Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Light Leaders engage me to gently guide them to go Beyond Limits and easily unlock their full potential, putting an end to playing small and being a “best-kept secret”, while also achieving money and time freedom. You’ll become powerful, soul-aligned and impactful, confidently taking leaps without ever sacrificing your well-being, peace or freedom.

As a certified Intuitive Energy Healer and Akashic Record Reader with a lifelong connection to the Akashic Records, I have also trained on the Akashic Records for “Business and Financial Abundance” and “Manifesting”.

You’ll benefit from both my left and right brain savvy. That goes from a MS in Chemistry and an MBA to being a serial international entrepreneur for 30 years, using my psychic, healing and channeling abilities with my global clients. You’ll also experience my grounded approach to using spiritual principles to create practical results like greater impact and income.

All of this in alignment with my values: freedom of choice, integrity, inclusivity, self-determination, and living your full potential in a simple, loving and supportive way.


      • Transform and Upgrade your life and your business with ease during the program
      • Gain lifetime access to your Personal and your Business Akashic Records  in the way that works best for you
      • Receive Clearings, Activations and Healing throughout the program
      • Gain methods for you to independently remove interferences and create your future in the Akashic Records
      • Have fun connecting and communicating in a Telegram Group, meeting others and receiving support
      • Have access to ongoing support through a monthly Zoom Meeting

What Clients Say


Serena has a true gift. Her programs changed so much for me! I saw clear as day what my gifts were and was able to translate them into my life and business.

After working together, I had the biggest month in my business ever and it’s been growing ever since.

I highly recommend working with Serena!

Jordan Duvall

Founder, Jordan Duvall-Brand Alchemist

More than anything, I was struggling with truly valuing my gifts and not having clarity in how to proceed.

Working with Serena has been incredibly valuable and very enjoyable. Her knowledge and intuitive wisdom are amazing and I received such personal and compassionate support from her.

This translated into being able to step up in practical ways. I am truly thankful!

Cathi Anwyn

Tree Wisdom Channel

Freedom was always a big word for me, something I always craved. Serena uncovered and removed the roadblocks that were built into my being.

She helped me see why and how to change up my business model to give me the freedom I craved and needed to be successful.

I highly recommend her guidance!

Dr. Deborah Wood-Schade

Chiropractor ∣ Bowen Therapist ∣ Spiritual Healer, Dragonwood Wisdom, and Wellness

Is this program right for you?

This program is PERFECT for you if you are…

  • Intuitive, practice meditation, energy work, oracle cards or already work with the Akashic Records
  • Committed to growing your business and are tired of limitations standing in your way
  • Open-minded and ready to dive deeper into being soul-led and taking the easy path
  • Clear that new results come from taking new action

    This program is NOT the best for you if you are…

    • Brand new to intuition and the world of energy
    • Unwilling to claim responsibility for yourself and your life
    • Sure that you cannot be successful or create your dreams.
    • Putting responsibility on others to make your life happy
    • Willing to push yourself to get results
    • Happy to stay in your comfort zone instead of expanding into new territory.


    We work in safe and sacred space of highest vibration during our journey. You’ll be guided and mentored to connect with your highest potential, co-create your future in the Akashic Records and make your unique contribution.  You’ll also connect with each other and ask questions in a private Telegram group, You’ll have access to ongoing support through a monthly live zoom meeting. You’ll be able to summit questions if unable to attend live to



    All sessions are live on Zoom for 60-90 minutes,  recorded and added to the portal for you to replay at your leisure.

    You’ll also have access to a Telegram group to connect with other participants, receive support and ask questions. You’ll also have ongoing access to monthly support calls.

    You are requested to practice on a daily basis connecting in your Records for 5 to 15 minutes. You may also have journaling prompts to prepare you for the next module.

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    A portion of all proceeds are donated to Save the Children

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