Rise UP!

 Simplify, Soulify & Amplify

Your Business

Accelerated Aligned Expansion

Here’s what happens in this bespoke private mentoring container

You’ll be energetically and compassionately supported, nurtured, and activated in a way that works for you and who you are. 

This means you’ll quite naturally expand into a bigger version of yourself and a bigger vision for your business and take action to fulfill that vision.

You’ll be going deeper and building your business on who you are at the soul level by embodying your evolved self.

You’ll tap into your potential and manifest your desires more powerfully as you realize your soul’s mission.

You’ll be on the path to sustainable, freedom-based wealth without sacrificing your freedom or well-being.

It’s time for you to claim your place in this very personalized and powerful program where you’ll be seen, heard, and supported to be more than you thought possible.

Receive Compassionate Support & Mentoring to Expand Your Wealth

You Are BEing Called

You, your business, and the world are inviting you to show up in a bigger way because you have a vital role to play at this time of ReCreation.

You are being called to keep blossoming, expanding, and evolving so that you have greater and greater influence in creating the world you want to see.

You are being called to a greater vision of yourself, of your possibilities, and of your impact and income.

And now it’s time to Rise UP and make the difference you came here to make!

What Clients Say!

Working with Serena has been a life altering experience on all fronts. She has helped me to see that what I was working towards was the most contradictory and hardest path to manifestation for my soul type.

Thanks to Serena I have implemented boundaries, begun to speak my truth and be more aware of it. I have started to sleep better and while it is on a subconscious level, I am more aware of lessons past.

Now I am confidently working on building my soul aligned spiritual ministry that focuses on aligning physical, spiritual, and mental health for its parishioners to lead a better life over all!

Catherine McGee
Life Development Vlogger

If you are feeling an uplevel coming and unsure how to embrace it, I highly recommend Serena for coaching you to your next level!!

She has wisdom and depth that comes from her experiences and years of working with clients-not just from the latest book or trendy program!!

Her connection with Source and her honed skills in reading the Akashic records provides incredible divine and aligned insights.

If you want grounded, powerful and soul-led coaching, schedule a consultation today!

Teri Valletta
Founder of Northstar Coaching

Before working with Serena, I felt confused and unsure of how I was going to reach my next level in my life and business.  

After working with her, I gained a new sense of clarity for the direction I will be taking my business and it has also helped in my personal life.  I improved my money mindset and became increasingly aware of where I needed stronger boundaries. 

I’ve doubled my income, released toxic clients, and set goals for the future that I’m already on track to reach.  Now, I feel a greater sense of peace because of these shifts.

Work with Serena because she will help you add so much value and direction to your life.  Serena holds space for you as you realize your blocks and help you break through them.  She is an amazing listener and will give you meaningful and achievable advice.

Stephanie Murray
Financial Planner

Client Results

Freedom, Impact, Income


Went from being completely lost to offering her biggest program ever


Claimed her value, shifted relationship with money to double her prices


Realized the value of her services & supported in taking big risks and leaping


Gained clarity on her next level and inspired to take new actions to reach it


Implemented boundaries and standards for greater freedom and income

All of this translates into greater wealth: impact, income, freedom, well-being

Rise UP! Now is Your Time!

For Change Makers, Visionaries, Heart Centered Entrepreneurs

You are being called!

And you have the opportunity of using your business as a portal for creating your desires and the world you want to see.

Rise UP is like entering a magical elevator where you effortlessly travel up to the next floor.

With mentoring and energetic support, you’ll comfortably and safely bloom and grow into more of who you are. At the same time, you’ll flow into deconditioning from what no longer serves you.

You’ll be acknowledged for the growth and contribution you have already made and you’ll naturally leap to your next level in a compassionate and supportive container.

You’ll effortlessly broaden the vision of who you think you are and be able to take action from this amplified version of you and what is possible for you.

You’ll be inspired and be able to translate this into actions that create impact and income without sacrificing your freedom or your well-being.

You’ll become the woman who fulfills her bigger vision with ease and builds a sustainable business.

You’ll be on the path to sustainable, freedom-based wealth without sacrificing your freedom or well-being.


🌟 2 Akashic Record Readings with written reports **

🌟 Clearing of hidden saboteurs in your Akashic Records

🌟 2 x 60 Intuitive Amplifier sessions per month

🌟 1 x 15-minute scheduled Voxer support chat per month  (plus 24-hour response calls)

🌟 Ongoing assessment of your alignment with your Manifesting Archetypes (Soul)

🌟 Advice on alignment remedies

🌟 Channeled messages from your Akashic Record Keepers

🌟 Energy healing and activations

🌟 Intuitive insights, money mentoring, and advice

🌟 Guidance from your Quantum Human Design Chart & Your  Astrology Chart

🌟 Bonus: Templates, tools, and supporting materials as needed

🌟 Handholding while you take action steps

🌟 All services to be completed within 4 months

**Akashic Record Reading #1

Details on Manifesting Archetypes Reading and Clearing Session


This reading includes an Akashic Record reading of your Manifesting Archetypes, identification, and clearing of hidden saboteurs.

1. Manifesting Archetype

Discover your Primary Soul Manifesting Archetype or Soul Power. Aligning with and expressing your Soul Powers is the way to naturally flow into wealth and abundance.

2. Soul Origination

This is the second most important facet of your Soul and has a big impact on how you naturally function and use your Soul Gifts.

3. Soul Specialization

This is the specialization or skill set that is part of your Soul’s design. It helps you know more about your purpose, mission, and particular skill, especially in business.

4. Life Lesson

Your primary life lesson informs WHY you do what you do in business. Integrating your life lesson into your business gives you focus and boosts your success.

5. Organizing Principle

This is the way you are designed to create. It is essential that you know and use your organizing principle, especially in business. It’s vital to your success.

6. Clearing of Hidden Saboteurs & Activating Your Manifesting Archetypes

They often cause blocks that you are unaware of, repetitive troublesome patterns or experiences, and puzzling outcomes. These saboteurs are held at the Soul level and are not cleared through emotional or mental healing. These interferences with your Soul Expression can be the source of ongoing

Akashic Record Reading #2

7 Soul-based Keys to Manifesting

Multiply your Manifesting Ability. You’ll have your personal map for manifesting your desired life and business.

You’ll get insights on your ideal client, the type of target market, how to create offerings, the best way for you to set intentions, how to shift your vibration effectively, and how you are motivated to take action.

These keys also guide you in the selection of your business model and structure.

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